sábado, 20 de noviembre de 2021

Casa de citas / Wilbur Smith / Four wives


Wilbur Smith con su esposa Mohkiniso Rakhimova

Wilbur Smith

He tenido cuatro esposas. Una de ellas me odia, otra me ama. Dos de ellas han muerto. Mi tercera esposa estuvo enferma durante seis años: aprendes que la muerte es algo que tienes que afrontar, que puede ocurrir en cualquier momento. Cada día es un riesgo.


Wilbur Smith and Mohkiniso Rakhimova

By Wilbur Smith

I have had four wives. One of them hates me, one of them loves me. Two of them have died. My third wife had an illness for six years – you learn that death is something you have to face, that it could happen any time. Every day you are at risk.


This much I know / Wilbur Smith / ‘Poor Cecil the lion was going downhill fast – that dentist probably did his pride a favour’


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