Jhumpa Lahiri |
Jhumpa Lahiri
«Cuando era pequeña, no sabía exactamente qué era una “ocupación” pero cuando mi padre la encontró supe lo que significaba para él. Yo me dispuse a hacer lo mismo que él había hecho con el fin de continuar una carrera que me brindara la misma estabilidad y seguridad. Pero en el último instante me retracté porque, a diferencia de mi padre, yo quería ser escritora. Incluso después de ganar el Pulitzer, mi padre me recordó el hecho de que escribir historias no era algo con lo que pudiera contar, y que siempre tenía que estar preparada para ganarme la vida de otra manera. Lo he escuchado y, a la vez, he aprendido a no escucharlo, a acercarme al borde del precipicio y saltar. Y así, si bien el trabajo de un escritor es mirar y escuchar, para convertirme en escritora he tenido que volverme sorda y ciega».
Jhumpa Lahiri |
A writer’s job
By Jhumpa Lahiri
«As a child, I did not know the exact meaning of “tenure,” but when my father obtained it I sensed what it meant to him. I set out to do as he had done, and to pursue a career that would provide me with a similar stability and security. But at the last minute I stepped away, because I wanted to be a writer instead. Stepping away was what was essential, and what was also fraught. Even after I received the Pulitzer Prize, my father reminded me that writing stories was not something to count on, and that I must always be prepared to earn my living in some other way. I listen to him, and at the same time I have learned not to listen, to wander to the edge of the precipice and to leap. And so, though a writer’s job is to look and listen, in order to become a writer I had to be deaf and blind».